
Yeah, this was pretty much how I was feeling when all of the more serious problems began with my computer on Tuesday of this week! At this point my computer either freezes up or crashes at least five times per day, and sometimes the time indicated on my computer even freezes up and doesn’t advance! Ugh! All that to quickly explain to those of you who may read this blog from time to time (before my computer crashes again) the reason why I have not posted anything lately.

By the grace of God I haven’t quite gotten to this ⇓ point (yet)…


…but I must admit that I did pound on my computer with my fists a couple of times the moment after I realized I had lost some of my files with research that I have done concerning the unbiblical nature of the teachings of Calvinism (TULIP) as well as the unbiblical nature of the messages given during supposed apparitions of the Virgin Mary. With God’s help I am hoping to find these files somewhere!

I want to assure you that I have not lost interest in writing and sharing things with you! There is so much  research that I have been doing lately, and I can’t wait to share everything with you, even though some of you may think that I have lost my mind after you read some of what I will be posting –Lord willing! However, at this point I just can’t risk putting a lot of time into writing a post only to see it disappear into cyberspace somewhere if my computer crashes while I am writing, and all that I have written doesn’t ‘save’ in my WordPress draft file! I know that in God’s timing things will all work out, and I will, once again, with God’s help alone, help you to realize from the information that I will be sharing with you as well as many Scriptures, the extreme importance of testing everything that you read and hear against the truth of God’s Word so that none of you will be deceived by these things.

Thank you for taking time to read this post! Lord willing, I hope to be able to resolve all of these issues in the very near future with the help of my nephew who is a computer genius!

Your prayers for God’s wisdom and help concerning all of this would truly be appreciated!!

God Bless You

