Capture Carmelite order of nuns and their goals - documentation of mystical and contemplative practices in Catholicism(SOURCE)

This post was written as a response to a request that I received from a dear sister-in-Christ who wanted me to write something regarding the Carmelite order of priests and nuns. She had watched a few minutes of a YouTube video and was saddened to see their devotion to “Mary” and how their whole existence is to Mary. She also asked, “How did this Carmelite order ever come to be?

In answer to your question, dear sister, I came to discover this very troubling information that clearly shows without a doubt that the Catholic church sadly does not believe that Jesus Christ’s once for all sacrifice was sufficient to pay the debt for all of our sins in full. It also shows their emphasis on unbiblical Contemplative, mystical, spirituality. In part, this is what it says in the quick capture above:

“They live an austere life of penance and renunciation to make reparation for the sins of us all and to implore God’s pardon. They ask heaven’s blessing upon our lives, and they continually beg for the salvation of our souls.”

Capture Carmelite order - History

SOURCE – To continue reading the above article, click HERE


At the 11:36 minute mark in the video directly above, you will hear:

“As a sign of membership to the carmel, the scapular is also a sign of belonging to Maria [Mary] to express the devotion to this mother and the gathering of the followers to the Carmelite family. It expresses the conviction of the member to live consecrated to Mary and under her protection. It reminds whoever uses it [the scapular] the commitment to live their own Marian dimension that is characterized in a life of similarity with Mary in prayer, humility, and imitation of her riches inviting the intimate union with God and to the generous duty of fellow men and of the church.”

At the12:19 minute mark

“With her maternal love, Mary takes care of her Son’s brothers still pilgrims in the middle of danger and difficulties until they reach their celestial Father. The scapular, so intense, defines for us the maternal spirituality of Mary who protects life, saves during death, and intervenes after death.”

We are only to have our faith and trust in Jesus Christ alone for the assurance of salvation; we are never to place our trust in any object such as the scapular! Precious Catholics need to think for themselves and read their Bibles so that by the power of the Holy Spirit they may come to understand all that Jesus Christ accomplished for us all by His once for all sacrifice when He died in our place on the cross for our sins and satisfied God the Father’s just demands for sins –in full!! What joy filled my heart that day when I read the little Catholic New Testament Bible that I was given and came to understand the true Biblical gospel that I never heard once in the 12 years of Catholic schooling that I had! Neither did I hear it during the thousands upon thousands of masses that I attended during the many years that I was a Catholic. Instead I heard the priest calling Jesus Christ a “Victim” when in actuality He was — and is — the Victor over sin and death!!

In the series that I recently presented here regarding the Catechism Of The Catholic Church, I shared many instances with all of you where their Tradition (man-made teachings in Catholicism that are put on the same level of authority as the Bible itself; Para 82 CCC), clearly distorts, conflicts with, and oftentimes completely contradicts the truth that can be found in God’s Word, the Bible. In the following video that I added to give you more information regarding the religious order of Mount Carmel, you will see another example of how Catholic “Tradition” distorts the very Word of God and oftentimes elevates Mary to a place of prominence that belongs to Jesus Christ alone! At the 1 minute mark it is said that the small cloud that the prophet Elijah saw that arose from the sea is an image of the Madonna (the virgin Mary) who, carrying Jesus in her womb, gave life to the world. This is clearly adding to Scripture, which is something that is strongly warned against!! (Read Deuteronomy 12:32, Proverbs 30:5,6, Revelation 22:18,19).

Please, precious Catholic, begin reading your Bibles and ask God to reveal His love and truth to you! Begin reading through the gospel of John, and I also encourage you to also read through Romans, Ephesians, Galatians, 1,2, and 3 John, and Hebrews. Do not be led astray by the Traditions and teachings of the Catholic church that contradict the truth of God’s Word! Come to Jesus just as you are and place your faith and trust in all that He already did for you through the sinless life that He lived that you and I could never live, His brutal death by crucifixion when He died in your place and mine, taking upon Himself the full wrath of God that was intended for you and I because of all of our sins, His burial, and His glorious resurrection from the dead in bodily form three days later! There is no purgatory; no second chance after death!

Whether you are a Catholic — or whatever your beliefs may be — where you will spend eternity when your life comes to an end depends solely upon what you choose to believe about Jesus Christ. Do you believe that He was just a good teacher or a prophet? Or do you believe as the Bible reveals and declares Him to be, and as Jesus Christ Himself claimed to be: that he was/is God in the flesh?

Hell is real and is a place of eternal torment filled with fire that was created not for mankind but for the devil and his angels (read Matthew 25:41). It will be one’s choice of rejecting Jesus Christ that will be why anyone ends up in hell!

I pray that each of you will seek the truth regarding Jesus Christ because your eternal destiny is truly at stake!!

Thank you very much for stopping by today.

God Bless You

~Mary Dalke – Living4His Glory – Reflecting His Glory Photography And Acrylic Art


As I mentioned in at least one of my previous posts, the Lord amazingly provided a childcare job for me and I started the first week of January! Due to the fact that I will also be painting and preparing to take part in some art and craft shows here in the northwest suburbs of the Chicago area starting this spring, my free time will now be extremely limited in order to write any more in depth posts. However, if I see the need to write something when time allows, Lord willing, I will do so!