What happens when you’ve been raised in the Catholic church that teaches it alone is “the one true Church,” and yet one day when your life begins to crumble all around you, you are given a Catholic New Testament Bible from the most unlikely person, and as you begin to read it you find that all you’ve ever been taught and strongly believed to be true begins to completely unravel because of what you find?  You come to the point of having a crisis of faith; you find yourself facing a collision between truth and error.  But what is the truth? 

Here’s my story from the beginning, focusing on the most important points, but also adding some background details to give a more complete picture of what I will share.  The portions of my testimony that I will come back to in order to share some important information with you from the teachings of the Catholic church, Vatican ll, and most importantly, God’s Word, I will highlight in purple, and place a number by, and will then add the corresponding number to the revealing information from Catholic sources and Scripture that I will add later on a completely different post to make it less confusing, in order to not only document what I say, but also to reveal truth to you about the particular things that I will share with you.  


When I was a child, I always had a deep love for Jesus.  Looking back now, I know it was only because God had been drawing me to Himself.  (John 6:44)  In many of the pictures that my parents took of me, you would find me with my hands folded in prayer and a big smile on my face.  The day I made my ‘First Holy Communion,’ I remember walking down the aisle in my white lace ruffled dress with excitement in my heart, because, after all, I would finally be (1)‘receiving Jesus’ through receiving the communion wafer’ that would be placed upon my tongue.

Even though I had a deep love for Jesus, I also had an intense fear of death.  Maybe it was due to the fact that one of the nuns in either first or second grade who was my teacher at the time, had for some reason told me that the stars would one day fall from the sky at the end of the world.  That, plus the fact that during our preparation for making our ‘First Holy Communion’ we were taught about a place called (2)‘purgatory,’ which we were told is ‘a place of temporary punishment where a person goes who dies in the ‘state of grace‘ to burn in fire to be ‘purged’ from (3)venial sins’ or ‘for those who have not (4) ‘fully paid the satisfaction due for sins.‘ For many years I would lie awake at night for hours, with paralyzing and fearful thoughts about death running through my mind.  Many a night as I laid there, I would try to calm my fears by praying the ‘rosary’ using the one I had with beads that would glow in the dark for a while after holding it up to a light for a minute.  As I grew a little older, these fears were not as overwhelming as they once were, but they were still there, nonetheless.

When I was in the 5th grade, a man approached my dad and asked him if he would consider selling our apartment building.  We lived between the church rectory(where all the priests lived) and the convent (where the nuns lived), so my dad told him he would sell it to the church before he would ever sell it to anyone else.  Well, around two months later, my dad received (5) a letter from the church stating that the church wanted our property, as well as the other two apartments on each side of us to build a new school.  It obviously was a setup when that man came to our home that day to talk to my dad.  We were given around nine months to be out of our apartment.  When our time was up, we still had some of our belongings inside, but we were forced to leave.  I remember as a child standing there with my family and watching our home being demolished right before our eyes.  I remember seeing our bathtub as the wrecking ball went crashing through our wall.  In a strange way it was rather exciting for a child to watch, but it was devastating for my mom who was also pregnant with my brother at the time.  We did not leave willingly, and the church did not pay us near the amount of money that our building was worth.

So on we moved to the next apartment building where I began sixth grade at another Catholic school which I would walk six blocks to get to every morning.  We also had to attend (6)‘Mass’ every morning before school began, which was something I didn’t have to do at the last school I attended. In seventh grade I made my (7)‘Confirmation’ and, ‘received the Holy Spirit’ as the Catholic bishop gave each of us a slap on the cheek, signifying that we were now soldiers of Jesus and reminding us to be brave in sharing and defending our faith.

After I graduated eighth grade we moved to our first house.  We were now a family of eight and needed more room.  I attended an all girls Catholic High School, but did not have to go to Mass every morning, but did continue to attend Mass every Sunday with my family. 

In the spring of my third year in High School, I met a young man who was almost four years older than I was.  To make a long story short, we dated over the next 2 years, and right before my senior prom, he gave me an engagement ring.  We set a date to be married for the following year, which was the day after my 19th birthday. 

Even though I was very young, I really thought he loved me.  However, one month before we were to be married, he came and confessed something to me that he had just done that was devastating to me.  By that time I had already purchased my wedding dress, and we had reserved the hall with a down payment and received many gifts from the bridal shower that my family had planned for me, so I felt there was no way I could call off the wedding now.  Because he had been crying when he confessed what he had done, I thought he was really sorry, so I chose to forgive him. 

He had a very hard childhood: His mom died when he was 16, he had an abusive father who later abandoned him and his family, taking the two youngest boys with him and leaving him and his six other brothers and sisters to be raised by his grandmother.  Being aware of all he had been through, I tried to show him that I loved him enough to forgive him and to be there for him to prove my love for him when others in his life had failed to show him love and commitment.  Sadly though, the very night we were married and when we were still at the reception hall, I knew by the way he was acting towards me that he didn’t really love me.


When we were dating, he seemed to always know when I was upset about something, and he would talk lovingly to me and wouldn’t let me get out of his car and go into my family home until I opened up to him and shared what was on my mind that was troubling me.  Because of that, I thought we would continue to have a deep and personal relationship throughout our marriage when it came to our communication.  However, once we were married things instantly changed.  He became harsh and verbally abusive towards me, and I began to shut down inside.  One day within a few weeks after we were married, I tried to put my arm around him, but he said to me,  “Stop hanging on me!  You don’t own me!”  From that moment on, I was paralyzed with fear of him.  Was he always like that, and this was the first time that I became aware of who he really was?  

Within a few short years, our marriage was crumbling.  In spite of all I had tried to do to get my husband’s attention, and to lovingly try to talk to him about wanting to have some time that we could spend together, he ignored me and continued on in his pursuit to live mainly for himself.  Yes, there were times when he would plan vacations, and we went to Florida, Canada, New York, and a few other places over the 12 years we were married, but even then he would leave me in the hotel room and go off on his own for a few hours each day.  He was a good provider, but he never put any effort into our personal relationship after we were married.

During spring and summer he played on a softball team at least four days a week, and in the fall and winter he played and watched football on weekends, as well as go to hockey games with his friends.  During the week he was also on a  bowling league with some people he worked with.  I was at a point where I did all I knew to do and say to try and make my husband realize that I loved him and just wanted to have some time with him.  I never nagged him.  Instead, I tried to show him I loved him by allowing him to go out with his friends to his games, etc.  But one day I gathered up the courage to express my thoughts to him in an attempt to make him realize that I cared enough about him and our marriage to no longer hold in how I was feeling.  However, when he simply brushed off what I had calmly shared what had been in my heart to say to him, and when he just made a statement that was sarcastic and turned what were valid concerns into a joke, I crumbled inside and withdrew into a deep depression. I had tried all that was humanly possible to try and make my marriage work.  From nice home cooked meals, to dressing in a way that I thought would appeal to him.  But when he had free time, for the most part all he wanted to do was to be out with his friends.  The thought that came to me at this point was, if my own husband didn’t love me, then I must not be worthy of being loved.  The hair I once loved to wash and style, (because I always wanted to be a beautician) I now just bound up and would then tie different decorative scarfs around my head each day for most of the week.  I got that idea from how my friend from France (who lived across the street from me) frequently wore her hair.   The sorrow and despair I now felt inside reflected on my face either as a blank stare or a frown, and my home began to reflect the chaos I felt inside, with things strewn around everywhere, because I had finally come to the point where I had no sense of hope left whatsoever. 

It was at this time of darkness and despair that I started to seriously seek God through my Catholic faith.  I went back to (8) confession after it had been many years since going last.  (This confessional experience was something I never thought of as being significant to be part of my testimony, but because of the many scandals that are coming to light concerning the sexual abuses committed by  Catholic priests, as well as the videos I have seen on YouTube concerning what some priests are told to say to the people who are ‘confessing their sins’ to them, I thought sharing this may help confirm someone’s valid concerns who may have gone through, or who are presently going through something similar –or much worse –and may now find themselves reading this).  I started out as we were taught, by saying,  “Bless me (9) father for I have sinned.  It has been (amount of time in days, weeks, months, etc.) since my last confession.”  (It had been a number of years since my last confession, so that showed the extent and the depth of how serious I really was about seeking to draw closer to God!)  I then continued to ‘examine  my conscience’ and ‘confess to him the amount of times I had lied, etc.’  When I thought I had exhausted the list of sins I had committed over those many years, the priest then asked me this direct question: “Do you practice birth control?”  I hesitated to respond to him, but since we were taught that (10) the priest sits in the place of God,  I said,  “Yes.”  (I used contraceptive foam, which still allowed a chance for a woman to become pregnant; I didn’t want to take ‘the pill’).  He replied with,  “Aren’t you going to confess that?”  I said,  “I didn’t think it was a sin.”  He replied by telling me of the teachings of the Catholic church on this issue and told me that if I did not choose to agree with using the ‘rhythm method,’ which was the only method approved by the pope and the Catholic church, then (11) he was not going to forgive me of my sins.  Then he followed what he said with this:  “How many times a week do you perform this lustful act?!”  I was shocked by what he said, and how he said it!  Tears began to silently stream down my face, and in my mind I said,  “But I’m married!”  He made me feel dirty, just as if I was a prostitute!  All because of this act that I believed to be an expression of deep intimate love between a husband and his wife!  Reluctantly, I proceeded to tell him the amount of times, and when he made me agree to use the ‘rhythm method,’  as the only means of birth control, he gave me this as my (12)’penance,’ by saying, “For your penance you will say ten ‘Our Fathers’ and ten ‘Hail Mary’s.’  Then he proceeded to grant me forgiveness by praying the ‘prayer of absolution.’

As I left the confessional booth, I was both physically and emotionally shaken by all that had just occurred.   The tears continued to stream silently down my face as I walked to one of the wooden  pews and kneeled down on the padded kneeler bench to say my many prayers as my ‘penance’ for my sins in order to receive God’s forgiveness.  In my desire to connect with God through my Catholic faith, I did not feel any closer to God.  Instead I felt dirty, and even more in despair than I had been before!


Things continued to be very difficult at home.  I was still very depressed and discouraged, but ‘divorce’ never entered my mind as an option. It was around this time that my ‘husband’ brought home a little Catholic New Testament Bible that was destined for the trash, and he gave it to me.  He would also bring me home many magazines for the same reason, but the Bible was something I wanted. When we would go on vacation, I would always read the Bibles that were placed on the night stands next to the beds in the hotel rooms after my ‘husband’ had fallen asleep, because I was seeking God and hope, (even though it was actually God who was seeking me). But this was the first time I actually had one of my very own!  It was ‘The Word Of God New Testament Sacred Heart League 1971 edition.’   (Unfortunately I gave it to a woman who was a part of my Bible study many years ago whose mother-in-law was Catholic and was close to death, because I wanted her to discover the truth in God’s Word before she died, so unfortunately I can’t quote from that version. I am searching to find a copy to purchase so I will then be able to, but still have the cover that fell off because of how much I read it, which was how I was able to share the title of  it with you). As I eagerly read through it, God began to open my eyes to see things that made my heart leap with joy, but at the same time these verses began to rip at the very foundation of the Catholic religion that I believed to be the only religion that had the truth! I would read verses such as:

“Now to the one who works, wages are not credited as a gift but as an obligation.  However, to the one who does not work but trusts God who justifies the ungodly, their faith is credited as righteousness.  David says the same thing when he speaks of the blessedness of the one to whom God credits righteousness apart from works:  “Blessed are those whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the one whose sins the Lord will never count against him.” (Romans 4:4-8) (NIV)

“For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.” (Hebrews 8:12)  (NIV)


“A man who works is paid; his wages are not regarded as a gift, but as something he has earned.  But the man who has faith, not works, who believes in the God who declares the guilty to be innocent, it is his faith that God takes into account in order to put him right with Himself.”  This is what David meant when he spoke of the happiness of the man whom God accepts as righteous apart from any works:  “Happy are those whose wrongs God has forgiven, whose sins he has covered over!  Happy is the man whose sins the Lord will not keep account of!”  (Romans 4:4-8)

“I will have mercy on their transgressions and will no longer remember their sins.” (Hebrews 8:12)

Both Scriptures take from: ‘The Word of God THE NEW TESTAMENT OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOR IN TODAY’S ENGLISH VERSION SACRED HEART LEAGUE EDITION’ Published April 15, 1971 Signed and sealed by Bishop Joseph B. Brunini, Diocese of Jackson Mississippi

For the first time, joy unspeakable began to rise within my heart!  But at the same time, confusion began to fill my mind.  What I was reading sounded too good to be true!  Could it be possible that Jesus paid for my sins in full when He died on the cross?  If so, then why is there ‘purgatory?’  I wanted desperately to believe these things that I was reading were true, but if the Catholic church is the ‘one true Church‘ as we as Catholics are taught, then how could this be??  In my desperation to know the truth, I cried out to God from my heart and said, 

“God, if Your Word says that You not only forgive sins but forget them, then why do I have to burn purgatory for sins You say You not only forgive, but also forget?” 

I wasn’t expecting an answer, and I didn’t hear an audible voice, but in my mind I strongly heard these words:

Are you going to believe the Word of God?  Or the word of man?” 

[At this point I want to stop and make myself perfectly clear …Please know that I am not condoning or encouraging the practice of seeking God so He will ‘speak to you‘ as many so-called Christian leaders are doing today.  God speaks to us through His Word.  It is a very rare occurrence for God to ‘speak’ in these ways, and when He does, we are to always remember that any thoughts that may come to us must always line up with His Word and never contradict it.  Also, God does not give new revelations outside of His written Word, as many say today, as well. With that being said, I will now  continue]:

When those words came to my mind, I knew it was God, because up to that point I was still in complete confusion, and was not capable to even think that! Joy flooded my heart, and in an instant I chose to believe all that was in His Word.  God began to convict me of sin, and expose many of the Catholic teachings that I believed to be true. Slowly I began to realize that these things were simply the traditions of men that blind people to the truth of the gospel that sets men free.



When God opened my eyes to see the joyous and amazing truth that Jesus paid for my sins in full, I was filled with joy,  peace, and a deep love and appreciation for Jesus and what He had clearly accomplished for me when He died in my place for all of my sins! However, I still found myself being very confused. As I mentioned before, as a Catholic I was taught that ‘the Catholic church is the ‘one true Church.’  So the thought of leaving and not going back caused me to strongly hesitate to leave completely.  If all that I was taught as a Catholic was true, then that would mean that if I left the ‘one true Church,‘ I would then certainly find myself in hell for eternity when I would die!

Even though I was set free from sin and the guilt and shame of my sin, and my heart and mind were filled with joy and peace, there was still a strong tie that held me to the Catholic church and I could not yet leave completely. I would go to my Catholic church on Saturday evening, and then I would attend the Assembly of God church that I was invited to on Sundays. As I began to hunger to know God’s Word, the truth became more clear to me with each page of the Bible that I read.

Right around this time, I was reunited with some friends from school, and one of my friends was now a Christian.  She gave me some information that started me on my quest to dig deeply for answers concerning what the Catholic church teaches, which I wanted to then test against God’s Word.  As I mentioned in some of my previous posts, ‘I am a detective at heart,’ and now I see that God put that within me for maybe this very reason: To start me on the road to become a Berean (Acts 17:11) so I would never again be deceived by the teachings of men! It was also my way of finding out the truth once and for all, so I could be free!

One of the first things I received which opened my eyes completely concerning what the Catholic church actually teaches, was an excellent series of tracts called, ‘THE  CATHOLIC CHRONICLES,’ written by the late Keith Green, a Christian singer who sadly died in a plane crash on July 28th, 1982, and I have posted the link to it below:


When I was reading about the ‘Sacrifice of the Mass,’ and read — and remembered — how the priest calls Jesus a ‘victim’ at the ‘Consecration’ part of the mass, when, in fact, Jesus willingly gave His life for us when He died on the cross, (John 10:18) this began to clearly open my eyes and sever the tie that held me in bondage to the Catholic church. 

From Keith Green’s, Catholic Chronicles ‘The Sacrifice of the Mass What Does It Mean?’

“The sacrifice of the Mass is the same sacrifice of the cross, for there is the same priest, the same victim, and the same offering.”  (1)

And in the words of Pope Pius IV…

I profess likewise that in the Mass there is offered to God a true, proper, and propitiatory (2) sacrifice for the living and the dead.”  (From the fifth article of the creed of Pope Pius IV.)  That is the incredible truth!  The Roman Catholic Church believes and teaches that in every Mass, in every church, throughout the world (estimated at up to 200,000 Masses a day) that Jesus Christ is being offered up again, physically, as a sacrifice for sin (benefiting not only those alive, but the dead (3) as well!)  Every Roman Mass is a re-creation of Jesus’ death for the sins of the world.  Not a symbolic RE-CREATION – but a literal, actual offering of the flesh and blood of the Lord to make daily atonement for all the sins that have been daily committed since Jesus was crucified almost 2,000 years ago. (4)  That’s why the bread and  wine must become physically Jesus’ body and blood, so that they can be once again offered for sin:  “The Holy Eucharist is the perpetual continuation of this act of sacrifice and surrender of our Lord.  When the Lord’s Supper is celebrated, Christ again presents Himself in His act of total surrender to the Father in death.”  (5)  He offers Himself continually to the Father, in the same eternal act of offering that began on the cross and will NEVER CEASE.”  (6)  The Mass is identical to Calvary – it is a sacrifice for sin – it must be perpetuated to take away sin.”  (7)


1] The Roman Catholic Sacrifice of the Mass, by Bartholomew F. Brewer, Ph.D.

2] Propitiatory – conciliatory, to soothe the anger of, to win or regain the goodwill of, to appease, placate or make friendly, to reconcile – Webster’s New World Dictionary and Harper’s Bible Dictionary.

3] “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this, the judgment.”  (Hebrews 9:27).

4] The Catholic Home Instruction Book #3, p.90.

5] The Spirit of Jesus pp. 89-90, Imprimatur: John Joseph Cardinal Carberry, Archbishop of St. Louis

6] Sons of God in Christ Book 4, p.117

7] For Them Also, pp.289-299




My choice to read the book of Hebrews as one of the first books of this little New Testament was something that clearly God was involved in!  As I read it, He opened my eyes by the truth of His Word and I moved from being overjoyed by those truths to deeply grieved within minutes!  Here are some of the verses I read:

“But Jesus became a priest by means of a vow, when God said to Him, “The Lord has made a vow, and will not change His mind: ‘You will be a priest forever.’  ”  This difference then, makes Jesus the guarantee also of a better covenant. There is another difference:  those other priests were many because they died and could not continue their work. But Jesus lives on forever, and His work as priest does not pass on to someone else. And so He is able, now and always, to save those who come to God through Him, because He lives forever to plead with God for them. Jesus, then, is the High Priest that meets our needs.  He is holy; He has no fault or sin in Him; He has been set apart from sinful men and raised above the heavens. He is not like other high priests; He does not need to offer sacrifices every day, for his own sins first, and then for the sins of the people. He offered one sacrifice, once for all, when He offered Himself.” (Hebrews 7:21-27) 

“But Christ has already come as the High Priest of the good things that are already here.  The tent in which He serves is greater and more perfect; it is not made by men, that is, it is not a part of this created world.  When Christ went through the tent and entered once and for all into the Most Holy Place, He did not take the blood of goats and calves to offer as sacrifice; rather He took His own blood and obtained eternal salvation for us.  The blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of the burnt calf are sprinkled on the people who are ritually unclean, and make them clean by taking away their ritual impurity.  Since this is true, how much more is accomplished by the blood of Christ!  Through the eternal Spirit He offered Himself as a perfect sacrifice to God. His blood will make our consciences clean from useless works, so that we may serve the living God.” (Hebrews 9:11-14) 

“Indeed, according to the law, almost everything is made clean by blood; and sins are forgiven only if blood is poured out.  These things which are copies of the heavenly originals, had to be made clean in this way. But the heavenly things themselves require much better sacrifices. For Christ did not go into a holy place made by men, a copy of the real one.  He went into heaven itself, where He now appears on our behalf in the presence of God. The Jewish High Priest goes into the Holy Place every year with the blood of an animal. But Christ did not go in to offer Himself many times; for then He would have had to suffer many times ever since the creation of the world. Instead He has now appeared once and for all, when all ages of time are nearing the end, to remove sin through the sacrifice of Himself. Everyone must die once, and after that be judged by God.  In the same manner Christ also was offered in sacrifice once to take away the sins of many.  He will appear a second time, not to deal with sin, but to save those who are waiting for Him.” (Hebrews 9:22-28 

“Every *Jewish priest stands and performs his services every day and offers the same sacrifices many times.  But these sacrifices can never take away sins.  Christ, however, offered one sacrifice for sins, an offering that is good forever, and then sat down at the right side of God.  There He now waits until God puts His enemies as a footstool under His feet.  With one sacrifice, then, He has made perfect forever those who are clean from sin.  And the Holy Spirit also gives us His witness.  First He says, “This is the covenant that I will make with them in the days to come, says the Lord:  I will put My law in their hearts, and write them on their minds.” And then He says,  “I will not remember their sins and wicked deeds any longer.”  So when these have been forgiven, an offering to take away sins is no longer needed.  We have, then, brothers, complete freedom to go into the Most Holy Place by means of the death of Jesus. He opened for us a new way, a living way, through the curtain–that is, through His own body.  We have a great priest in charge of the house of God. Let us come near to God, then, with a sincere heart and a sure faith, with hearts that have been made clean from a guilty conscience, and bodies washed with pure water.  Let us hold on firmly to the hope we profess, because we can trust God to keep His promise.”  (Hebrews 10:11-23)  *NOTE: As I was writing this, the word “Jewish” in verse 11 grabbed my attention.  I then checked all the other translations on the ‘Bible Hub’ website and what I found confirmed  what I was thinking…the word “Jewish” (priest) is not in any other translation, and I find this rather concerning!  Even though by reading the Scriptures I posted above in context it is definitely clear to see that these verses are speaking about Jewish priests, to add the word ‘Jewish’ without putting it in italics, as other translators of the Bible do in order to let the reader know that word is not in the original documents, seems to indicate that those who wrote this particular translation intentionally added the word  “Jewish” to take away the possibility of a Catholic seeing the truth –that the sacrifices the Catholic priests (as well as the Jewish priests) offer cannot take away sins; the truth that God’s Word clearly reveals, because Jesus’ sacrifice was sufficient!  If you’d like, you can click HERE and see all the other translations for yourself.

When I first read those Scriptures in Hebrews in that little Catholic New Testament, I became overjoyed because I saw the truth of the glorious news that Jesus did take the full wrath that God intended for me because of my sins upon Himself, and that He paid the debt for my sins in full, but then I became deeply grieved and horrified when God revealed the truth to me through His Word and made me realize that the ‘Sacrifice of the Mass’ was and is blasphemous, because it is saying that Jesus’ ‘once and for all‘ death on the cross was not sufficient to pay for our sins in full!


If you’d like to listen to the rest of this on William Webster’s website, you can click here, and you can also listen to more information he shares in the following video…


If you’d like to search for more information on former Catholic priest, Richard Bennett’s website, you can click >here.


If you’d like to find more information on Mike Gendron’s website, you can click >here.


If you’d like to find more information on Cecil Andrews’ website, Take Heed Ministries, click >here




The reason I am sharing my testimony is because it is the desire of my heart to share the truth of the gospel out of love for Catholics, wanting them to come to the knowledge of the truth.  And that is that Jesus paid their/your debt to sin in full and that they/you can know for sure that when their/your life comes to an end, they/you can be in heaven, not because of any good thing they/you can do, but because of what Jesus Christ has already done. 

Thank you very much for stopping by and taking time out of your busy day to read some of my posts and poems.

God Bless You

~Mary Dalke/Living4HisGlory







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