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Last week one of my dear sisters was hospitalized and is still in intensive care due to a ruptured appendix and many other serious complications including a severe infection that began to spread throughout her system. She has had very little sleep over the past week and therefore they gave her a sleeping pill which caused her to sleep for more than twelve hours straight. When she woke up she literally had a violent reaction from the sleeping pill that they had given her and she tried to get out of bed and wanted to get out of the hospital and go home. She did not realize what she was doing and did not act at all like the sweet person everyone knows her to be!

To make matters worse, my dear sister has been on kidney dialysis for the past eighteen years because she was given the wrong medicine at Walgreens Pharmacy which not only destroyed her kidneys but also caused her to lose her precious unborn baby girl.  Being on kidney dialysis for so many years has caused her body to wear down and it also makes her extra weak and vulnerable to many health problems. Because of the one to two days a week that she willingly came to help our family prepare our parent’s home to sell over those seven months most certainly caused her health and strength to wear down, even though we would make her sit almost all the time and have her do some things that needed to be done without causing her to become more worn down.

My sweet sister has been through many difficult things in life! I would truly appreciate it if you would please pray for her and ask the Lord to heal her from this infection, and that she would regain her strength to be able to walk again and function as best as she can, and that God would be glorified.

As soon as she is doing much better she will then be transferred to a rehab center where she will receive therapy in order to help her regain her strength. Everyone in our family will all be taking turns spending time with her in the days and weeks ahead so that she will always have someone with her for comfort and support.

As you can probably imagine by all that I just shared with you, this means that I will not be able to have the time to get back to writing any in depth posts until after she is doing much better and is able to come home. Even then we will still need to help her as much as we can. Although I am eager to get back to writing again, family must come first. Losing our sweet Mom on Easter/Resurrection Sunday was very hard on all of us, and we want to make sure that we see to it that our sister is well taken care of so we don’t lose her too. We came extremely close to losing her! If God had not led her son to call her simply because he was having car trouble on the expressway, he would not have realized how sick she sounded and she might not have gotten to the hospital in time. Sometimes car troubles happen for a reason, and I praise God for keeping my nephew (and my sister) safe as he hurried to get her to the hospital before taking his car in to be looked at! I am learning all too well just how short life is and how we need to treasure every moment we have with every one of our loved ones, because tomorrow is not promised to anyone.

When things calm down a little, I will try to find a video to share with you every now and then, but I wanted to at least let you know one of the valid reasons that I have for not getting back to writing yet.

Thank you very much for stopping by today, and thank you very much in advance for praying for my sister.♥

God Bless You


Photo by Mary K Dalke – Reflections Of His Glory Photography


Thank you very much to those of you who have been praying for my sister. Yesterday was the very first day that she sounded like her normal sweet self. She still sounds weak, but she was able to get up and walk a little and she also sat in a chair for a few hours. I praise God for the remarkable progress she is making, and even the doctors and nurses have been amazed at her progress throughout her whole ordeal! To God be the glory! \0/

The Passion

Sadly, many professing Christian pastors promoted Mel Gibson’s movie, ‘The Passion of the Christ,’ and thus became part of the movement bringing unbiblical “unity” among Christians and Catholics. Do you know where Mel Gibson received his inspiration for the movie? I can assure you that it was not from the pages of Scripture. Here’s an excellent article to help you learn to discern so that you will not be deceived!

Precious Catholics need to know about this, as well. Maybe then they will realize the importance of looking to the Word of God for His truth instead of to their “Church,” since Mel Gibson’s inspiration is oftentimes promoted by Catholic leaders.

Holding His Word Higher

There have been many Christian movies on the screen throughout the years. In days of old, perhaps, the most noteworthy of them was The Ten Commandments.

Before opening credits at the theaters, Director Cecil B. DeMille gave a speech, introducing the film:

Ladies and gentlemen, young and old, this may seem an unusual procedure, speaking to you before the film begins, but we have an unusual subject, the story of the birth of freedom, the story of Moses. As many of you know, the Holy Bible omits some 30 years of the life of Moses’ life, from when he was a three-month-old baby and was found in the bulrushes by Bithiah,the daughter of Pharaoh and adopted into the court of Egypt, until he learned that he was Hebrew and killed the Egyptian. To fill in those missing years, we turn to ancient historians, Philo and Josephus. Philo wrote at the…

View original post 2,231 more words


After staying up until midnight in order to finish and to publish the new post in the Catholicism series (which I actually did publish at the stroke of midnight), I woke up this morning to find that I am obviously having some major issues on my editing page! I have tried for quite a while this morning to correct the issue concerning the size of the type, but was unsuccessful, and will try again — when time allows — to make the necessary corrections and then I will release it for viewing.

Once again, I am very sorry!



UPDATE: After a few hours of working on it this evening, thankfully I was able to correct the problems, and it is now visible for public viewing.