Capture 1 John 5 14,15

Due to the fact that my dear sister is still in the hospital (since Nov. 9th), and is in serious condition, I will be taking some time off from writing. It is very difficult to concentrate on writing in depth posts when she is so often in my thoughts and prayers. If the Lord leads you to pray for her, your prayers would truly be appreciated! She is fighting an infection, had part of her colon removed, has been on kidney dialysis for over twenty years due to the fact that Walgreens gave her the wrong prescription which destroyed her kidney function and also caused her to lose her baby girl when she was pregnant at the time, is on nutritional tube feeding due to the fact that she cannot normally swallow food at this time.

She is receiving Vitamin C IV treatments once daily for seven days, along with antibiotics. These treatments are making a big improvement in her condition (temperature dropping, white blood cell count lower) and in how she is responding, but she still does not talk and can only respond to doctors and nurses with nods. Please pray God’s wisdom for the doctors and that God will be glorified and heal her in such a way that He will receive the glory, but I am praying for His will to be done.

I have shared the Biblical gospel with her at least three or four times over the years since I became a Christian, twice quite recently, but only the Lord knows if she has placed her trust in Jesus Christ alone for the forgiveness of her sins.

Thank you, and God bless you!

Mary Dalke — Living4HisGlory