Lord willing, I will be spending most of my free time writing the last post in my series, “APPARITIONS OF THE VIRGIN MARY, OR DEMONS IN DISGUISE? EXAMINING THE EVIDENCE IN LIGHT OF SCRIPTURE.” I was hoping to finish by the end of this week, but I think it will be more fitting if I publish it on October 13th since that is the date of the alleged appearance of Mary and the so-called Miracle of the Sun that took place in 1917. Plus, I really don’t think that I will be able to finish it by the end of this week since there is so much more to write and so much more documentation that I need to sort through and gather together to add to that post. In the meantime, here is a video that will give you Scriptural reasons why I — and many others — believe these alleged apparitions of Mary are demonic in nature.

It is not my intention to offend Catholics who believe that these are truly apparitions of Mary. Rather it is out of love and concern for precious Catholics that I write these types of posts in order to urge Catholics — and everyone — to read and to study God’s Word and to test everything against the truth of God’s Word so that they will not be deceived by the many spiritually deceptive things that are taking place these days in the name of “Christianity.”

Thank you very much for stopping by today.

God Bless You

~Mary Dalke – Living4HisGlory