Capture Eyes with tears 1UPDATED 10/9/15 7:42 P.M. SEE BELOW #7 AND #8

Welcome to another post in the series of posts that I have entitled, Warning You With Tears Wednesdays. Lord willing, at least once a month on Wednesdays I will be writing and sharing one of these posts with you so that I can make you all aware of some important information that I come across on the Internet that you may not have heard about.

Since I knew that I would soon be starting a new part-time job (and I did start in June) and that my free time would then be somewhat limited, I was trying to think of something that I could write on a regular basis that would be short and to the point (at least that was my intention). And since I am a detective-at-heart and desire to make you all aware of the importance of testing things that pastors and teachers say (and do) in light of Scripture (Acts 17:11), the idea to do these posts — as well as the name — came to my mind in November of 2014, based on Acts 20:26-31:

“For I have not hesitated to proclaim to you the whole will of God. Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which He bought with His own blood. I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them. So be on your guard! Remember that for three years I never stopped warning each of you night and day with tears.”

So with all of that in mind, here is what I’d like to share with you in today’s WARNING YOU WITH TEARS WEDNESDAY:

#1 Rapture Ready Radio: “Ray looks at the dangerous teachings of contemplative prayer teacher, the late Thomas Merton in light of the pope’s recent message to Congress.”


#2 In case some of you have not yet heard Pope Francis’ message before Congress in which he favorably mentions mystic, Thomas Merton more than once, here it is:


#3 Glenn Chatfield of The Watchman’s Bagpipes posted this article concerning ROMAN CATHOLICS AND SATANIC DECEPTION 


#4 Facebook posted yet another helpful Suggested Post for me (however, I didn’t have time to quick capture it at that moment) which made me aware of the fact that IHOP (International House Of Prayer) is having another event:

Capture Onething December 28-31 2015(SOURCE)

Sadly, that unfortunately means that many more unsuspecting Christians who truly desire to draw close to God will be drawn into IHOP’s web of deceit, false teachings, and spiritual mysticism because they are seeking to have an experience with God instead of seeking to know God by reading and studying His Word. Especially now since Francis Chan is continuing to align himself with Mike Bickle and many of those who are involved with IHOP:

Capture Onething 2015 Francis Chan(SOURCE)


#5 Then I discovered today that the Herescope blog posted this very good article yesterday, which relates to IHOP:


#6 For those of you who are not aware of the serious concerns that many have about IHOP, when time allows please watch these videos:





#7 The following video was published 9/30/15 – Further evidence that apostasy is taking place: David Jeremiah calls for American Pastors to stand with 2016 Presidential Candidate, Donald Trump:

American Pastors Pray For Donald Trump – Dr. David Jeremiah, Kenneth Copeland, Paula White,

The video above was taken down by the user, so here’s another video in case this one is removed, as well. The quick capture below is from the following video:

Capture Donald Trump Being Blessed - David Jeremiah, Paula White, Kenneth Copeland

#8 Earlier today a dear sister-in-Christ shared the following shocking information with me that you will see in the video below. I have searched to verify if this story is true or not, and even though this story has been circulating for over two months now, I have found nothing to either solidly confirm this story to be true, or to declare this story to be false. A month or so ago someone posted a story on Facebook that stated Pope Francis had rewritten the Ten Commandments, but after searching for information on that, I discovered that story was false. However, as shocking as the following story may sound, at this point it appears to be true! If so, the return of Jesus may be sooner than we could possibly think!



10/1/15 UPDATE: Since I do not want to lose my credibility with those of you who read this blog from time to time, over the weekend I will be adding more information that I had heard about a couple of years ago that gave me pause for thought to at least consider the possibility that the above story might be true instead of dismissing it completely when I first heard about it.

Without revealing any details, I also wanted to say that the person who told me about this story said that the person who runs the website that she saw it on has also written for a well respected website, which also added to bringing me to the decision of posting the above story. I am very skeptical upon hearing stories like this, but, let’s face it. Many things in our world are rapidly changing! Did you ever think that you would witness the redefinition of marriage in our lifetime? Watch and pray!

UPDATED: SUNDAY 10/4/15 As I mentioned in the above update, a few years ago I came across some shocking information that caused me to pause and consider that the information in the above video might also possibly be true, so I decided not to dismiss it completely. The  information that I found said that Israel had sold Jerusalem to the Vatican! Even though I am still searching through the many files of information that I started putting together when I bought my computer back in 2008 so that I can find the exact article, I did come across some related information in one of my files and I also found more information stating the same thing after doing further searches.

In the following article you will discover that a document was written up and ‘agreed upon in Jerusalem on July 15, 1992 and confirmed at the Vatican on July 29 1992.’ This shows that there are indeed some startling  things that have been taking place for quite some time that seems to be the unfolding of Bible prophecy right before our eyes!


Here’s a video with information similar to the article that I found a few years ago:

Earlier today I contacted a friend of mine who frequently travels to Israel and I asked her if she knows if Israel has indeed sold Jerusalem to the Vatican, and she sent me a message that said the following:

I have heard from a reliable Source that in fact the Vatican does in fact own much of Jerusalem mostly the old city where all the input stuff is.”

Below you will see a quick capture of a portion of an article posted by World Net Daily on December 15, 2013 that again shows that plans were underway two years ago to give certain portions of Jerusalem to the Vatican:

Capture U.S. Plan Gives Jerusalem Holy Sites To Vatican (SOURCE)<–Click here to continue reading.

This article, which I found on Facebook and quick captured a portion of, is the same article that was mentioned in the video concerning the ‘Protestant Leaders Declare Reunification Of Churches Under The Holy See.’

Capture Protestant Leaders Declare Reunification Of Churches Under The Holy See(SOURCE) <– Click here to continue reading and to see many more who posted this article.

Gary Kah is the former Europe and Middle East Trade Specialist for the Indiana State government. He travels and speaks extensively on topics pertaining to end times events in light of what is taking place in the world today. Here are some of his presentations that relates to the information in question:






UPDATED 10/9/15 Most of you are already aware of how the late Tony Palmer met with Kenneth Copeland at his church presenting a call for “unity” and declaring “the protest is over,”and how Pope Francis also shared a message calling for “unity” among Christians.



One can only wonder just how many have been deceived into actually believing that the teachings of Catholicism are truly in line with Biblical Christianity!  This is one of the reasons why I am taking some time off from posting as frequently as I have been doing; I need to finally finish reading my Catechism of the Catholic Church book so that I can present a post to  show you just how little of Catholicism’s teachings line up with the truth of God’s Word! This is the reason why there are so many Christians who were once Catholics. When a Catholic reads God’s Word and thinks for themselves, the truth of His Word will expose the many false teachings of Catholicism — or whatever false religious system that a person is involved in — and, for the first time. they will be able to see the glorious good news of the gospel!

The information in the ‘Protestant Leaders Declare Reunification Under The Holy See‘ article and video may not be true, but you can be certain that there is enough evidence these days to show that the One World Religion is indeed forming right before our eyes! We must never forsake Biblical truth in order to have unity! And that’s just what is happening when Christians are allowing themselves to be led by their emotions!  Instead, we must always  test messages like Tony Palmer’s and the words of Pope Francis, etc., in light of Scripture, and be taught and led by the Holy Spirit –the Spirit of Truth — as we read God’s Word so that we will not be misled by the teachings of men (or women) who attempt to use their words to manipulate our feelings.

Tony Palmer’s message, as well as Pope Francis’ message, is not the unity that Jesus spoke of in John Chapter 17. Catholicism presents “another Jesus” and “another gospel,” and anyone who was once a Catholic and is now a ‘born again’ Christian will completely agree with that statement because it is backed up by Scripture. (2 Corinthians 11:4, Galatians 1:6-9)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

If you have not come to the point of placing your complete trust in what Jesus Christ did when He lived the perfect sinless life that we could never live, to become the perfect sacrifice for our sins by taking the wrath that God intended for us because of our sins upon Himself, and how He died in our place to pay the debt for all of our sins — no matter how horrible they may be — that time is now! Jesus died, was buried, and conquered death by rising from the dead on the third day. Repent and turn from your sins, and turn to Jesus Christ today, for tomorrow may be too late! Tomorrow is promised to no one!

“But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)

“My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous; and He Himself is the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for those of the whole world.” (1 John 2:2)

“Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” (1 John 4:10)

“For He says, In the time of My favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.” I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.” (2 Corinthians 6:2)


#9 I’ll end this post with an article by Warren B Smith (which is actually a new tract that you can order from LIGHTHOUSE TRAILS RESEARCH)  that will bring God the glory and honor that He is so deserving of:

Capture Rejoicing Through It All - Warren B SmithQuick captured the above picture from BEREAN RESEARCH’S FACEBOOK PAGE which is how I originally saw the following article.










Capture Picture of a woman's hands on a computer as she sits hidden behind computer

I will be taking some time off so that I can finally be able to finish reading my Catechism Of The Catholic Church book which is well over 700 pages long so that I will finally be able to write the post comparing the teachings of Catholicism to God’s Holy Word, the Bible. Lord willing, I will still post a few things over the month of October, but just not as frequently as I have been.

Because of what we are all seeing taking place in our nation and in our world today, I also want to spend more time praying for our country and  my family, as well as taking more time to read and study God’s Word. Time is short, and eternity is forever.

Thank you for stopping by and taking time out of your busy day to read some of my posts and poems.

God Bless You

~Mary Dalke/Living4HisGlory